In case we need a new logo...
Joe found this painted on a curb at 11th & Broadway in Oakland:

Thanks to everyone who has ordered Mitch Easter's Dynamico. It's been huge -- I've been toting big bags full of packages to the post office almost every day since it went on sale! People are loving it so far. The publicity machine is grinding into gear, so I'm hoping there will be lots of reviews & interviews soon.

Thanks to everyone who has ordered Mitch Easter's Dynamico. It's been huge -- I've been toting big bags full of packages to the post office almost every day since it went on sale! People are loving it so far. The publicity machine is grinding into gear, so I'm hoping there will be lots of reviews & interviews soon.
At 2/13/2007 2:54 PM, Anonymous said…
The publicity machine is in total forward motion! I'm getting requests from writers every day. Here's a quote: " hands are getting clammy in anticipation and I've burned a hole in my Let's Active CDs."
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