Mail problems
125 Records was moved to a new server a few days ago, and I think a bunch of email disappeared into a black hole somewhere, especially emails sent via the form. Not good!!! If you have tried to reach us lately and not received a reply, try sending mail directly to info125(at)
A CD that everyone should buy
First of all, thanks to everyone who came out for the Fox & Goose show in Sacramento last weekend. Special thanks to Simone who traveled all the way from Seattle! Hope we'll see lots more of you at the San Francisco show on Aug. 2!
Occasionally we like to take a break from pimpin' our own CDs to recommend a disc by someone else. Tris McCall is a longtime 125 Records favorite; before Tris had his own CD-selling set-up, we offered to sell copies of his brilliant If One Of These Bottles Should Happen To Fall on the 125 web site. Tris just self-released his third solo disc, I'm Assuming You're All In Bands, and it is perhaps his strongest work to date. Tris's primary instrument on the album is electric harpsichord, which sounds weird, but it works. You can buy the disc for a mere $8.99 at CDBaby, which will send it to you at lightning speed. Like Scott Miller (who produced most of Bottles), Tris is probably too idiosyncratic and dedicated to following his own unique muse to ever achieve commercial success, but he definitely deserves a larger audience. "I don't really give a damn/ About what normal people do," sings Tris in "The Hymn Against the Whiskey." If you can identify, you need this CD.
LF on Coverville
The Loud Family & Anton Barbeau's cover of "I Think I See the Light" by Cat Stevens appears on the latest edition of Coverville (show 220). Thanks to host Brian Ibbott for including the track, and Michael Zwirn for recommending that I submit the cover songs to him in the first place!
125 on display
FYE Music on Carolina Place Parkway in Pineville, N.C., hosted an in-store with Don Dixon earlier this month. Here's a photo of the display that manager Preston Toney created:

Today is the official street date for the Loud Family CD, so it's now available at online stores and (we hope) stores everywhere. By the way, I'd like to send out special thanks to the magnificent person who has singlehandedly purchased twenty copies of What If It Works? to give away to friends and relatives. Several others have bought one or two extra copies, but twenty? Wow!!! I'm glad you love the album enough to share it to that extent, and I hope all the recipients enjoy it too.